
As a student, I saw the integration of technology into the educational experience and quickly learned of its benefit. A central location to find the teacher's resources and extra notes along with a location to continue to practice my skills with a subject were some to advantages I saw to professor websites.

However, I also saw some flaws with the technology behind this. Often institutional applications were over kill -- they tried to account for every possible need of a professor while overshadowing the simple and necessary features that everyone wanted. However, most teachers -- even those with some HTML or scripting knowledge -- ended up making sites that were overly simple and to a degree hard to use.

ClassSimple tries to find a medium. Relying on the core of what online course websites need -- a place to provide class information and share documents -- and moving up from there, ClassSimple is a scalable solution to the web-based curriculum.


If you simply need a place to store lecture slides or handouts, ClassSimple will allow you to upload all of your documents, organize them, and even publish them at a future time.

If you have a large section of students that you would like to be able to view grades, ClassSimple will allow you to enter assignments online so that students can login and view their grades. No more time wasted trying to hand back papers.

If you want to gauge your students' performance in either a formal (via online quizzes) or informal (via non score-bearing surveys), ClassSimple allows you to create multiple-choice tests with the standard features like due-dates and automatic-grading.*

If you want to collect typed work from your students, ClassSimple removes the needless paper trail by allowing one to submit written work online for you to conveniently view and grade.*


Best of all, no mater your needs, ClassSimple will scale so that you can get done what needs to be done and not have to worry about options that do not affect you. From the beginning, ClassSimple has tried to provide a structured way to facilitate student-professor integration online. Hopefully it also provides and enjoyable experience for both professor and students.

*Planned feature