29 Jan 2007
Release: alpha 0.3 [Download]   

Today I've released Alpha 0.3. While it is still recommended that you not use this release for production purposes, it does have a basic installation system that you may be able to use to try ClassSimple out. A few features, like the page editor, are still not compatible with the installer and thus would require significantly more work to get to work.

Highlights of this release are:

  • Quiz modules — includes quiz construction, administration, and automatic grading with statistics. Importing grade results into grade module not supported yet.
  • Basic installer
  • Small modifications to most modules.

21 Jan 2007
Release: alpha 0.1 [Download]   

Today I just released the first package of Class Site! For this release, I decided to go ahead and package the core modules with the two non-core modules I had already made. Hopefully starting sometime before beta I will have individual packages set up for the different non-core modules.

Installation of this package will probably prove harder than it is worth. It will require a lot of modification or several unmarked files. I hope to very soon create an installation script, but my first priority is to get every major module made to a substantial degree.

Highlights of this release:

  • Introduction of page, doc, core, menu, roster, and grade modules.
  • Authentication of both administrator and student credentials.
  • Basic module installation script.